Badge commission for Hikaru
Mercenary prowls the derelict ship, the chill of
deep spaceencroaching upon the recently fail life
support, the chill feels good
to his kind. A breeze cuts through the halls as
the remainingatmosphere is being sucked into space
from a hole caused by his
attack. This causes his light bending camo shroud
to flap light aflag on a windy day. If the air
gets to low his scared plasti-plate
armor will automatically activate his transparent
ballisticatmosphere helmet.
target of this assignment hides somewhere in the
dark. Using hisdisposable smart drone to both
create light, scan the bulkheads for
hidden compartments, in addition to running
numerous other technicaltasks, and give him
company. His targeting goggles connected to the
drone, allows him see what it sees. The mercenary
left behind hisheavy rail rifle, opting instead
for a light fire magnetic pistol. No
need in blowing another hole in the ship, that
might cause it torupture and send him and his
target flying into the frigid darkness
of lifeless deep space.”
I spent to much time on this one. I got carried
away... I used to do nothing but sci-fi sketches,
and designs for weapons, armor, and equipment. My
favorite Sci-fi RPG at one time was - a not entirely
fully fleashed out - game called Justifiers. I took
it upon my self to rewrite its entire system,
characters, and equipment with illustrations. I
would be lying if I was to say this painting was not
influences by older illustrations I had done.
Painting version [Here]