Commission for Erin
Portrait commission of a friend and fellow gamer. She has a bunch of personality, and lovely eyes, and I tried to capture that fact in the painting. I used a mix of old and modern painting techniques on this one, from the background to the brushstrokes. I am pleased with the out come, and other then waiting for layers to dry this one only took about 20 hours to paint. I have really got to master Alla-prima style painting (Fast, Wet-on-Wet) then I could whip this out in a day or two. But noooo, I have to work in a Imprimatura style (Strong under painting, followed buy multiple transparent glaze layers).
Medium: Oil on Hardboard
Size: 11 in x 14 in
Date: 2014
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© 1993-2016: All rights reserved by Odis Holcomb (AKA: Ryngs Raccoon). Any reproduction or distribution of the artwork, designs, and images presented here without the prior consent of the artist is strictly prohibited.