Birthday Gift Art for Kartonis
In all the icky mess there is a red dragon, somewhere...
This is a strange pic for a strange friend. Simply put, its a red dragon rising out of dark thick sticky mud just after an afternoon rain shower. I will leave it at that. I did a dozen different experiments on this one as a I painted it. Starting with using a ruined painting attempt from last year and re-gessoing the surface with a stiff bristle brush to create texture I am not used to working on. A new way of painting the sky which is much faster and easier. Not correcting my mistakes, or smudges and letting the painting incorporate them (which the mud did a wonderful job of hiding), etc.
Medium: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 8 in x 10 in
Date: June 2015
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© 1993-2016: All rights reserved by Odis Holcomb (AKA: Ryngs Raccoon). Any reproduction or distribution of the artwork, designs, and images presented here without the prior consent of the artist is strictly prohibited.