Valley of the Kings
Commission for Stripetail
Syng Stripedtail makes his way across the lands of the East to the rocky spires called the Valley of the Kings, where he will face his next and greatest challenge... Just like an old Epic Kung-Fu Movie...
This one was an interesting challenge as his speicies does not have very many good reference pics, a Banded Linsang. Its actually a feline, with a long muzzle, and a weasel like body. In the planning phase I neglected a simple fact of color and light, and this caused me to get hung up, and took me a day to figure out how to fix it. Fix it I did. This is the result.
Medium: Acrylic on Hardboard
Size: 5 in x 7 in
Date: 2015
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© 1993-2016: All rights reserved by Odis Holcomb (AKA: Ryngs Raccoon). Any reproduction or distribution of the artwork, designs, and images presented here without the prior consent of the artist is strictly prohibited.