“In an age past, once sat a druid's grove. Where durids, spirits of nature, and fey watched over the land. Then came the dark priests, with their evil war gods, and their bloody crusade. They conquered the land, enslaved the people, and crushed any resistance. Where the druid's grove stood they built a temple of cursed stone, with blood and bone. Only one thing survived of the druid grove, an enchanted sword. A powerful weapon that once awakened and in the right hands could rout the conquers, but it was lost to the ages. All but forgotten.
In time the dark gods tyranny passed as all things do. The land returned to peace and prosperity. The temple fell into ruin. Then suddenly, people from the near by village started to disappear. One by one, always at night. It was only for the bold to track them down within the dark ruined temple. It was there that Garrick, separated from his party, lost in darkness did his sword begin to glow with the druids long lost magic. Exposing the truth of his situation, and calling the temples demonic guardians to his location. Yet, these beasts may not be prepared for the sword, or the unlikely hero who now wields the “Druid's Blade”...” |